Complaints procedure

Complaints procedure

  1. A complaint regarding a training or consulting service may be submitted within 7 days of completing the training or using the consulting service, by e-mail or in writing to the owner of Centrum Rozliczeń Kancelaria Doradcy Podatkowy (hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider).
  2. The complaint should include:
    • the name of the training,
    • start and end date of the training,
    • details of the person lodging the complaint,
    • reason for complaint,
    • any documents confirming the legitimacy of the complaint.
  3. Complaints are subject to:
    • failure to provide a training or consulting service within the agreed time limit,
    • partial performance of a training service or consulting service caused by the fault of the Service Provider,
    • failure to perform a training or consulting service with due diligence.
  4. The Service Provider has 2 weeks to respond to the complaint, after which it effectively informs the complainant about its decision (by e-mail, telephone or letter).
  5. If the claims are accepted, the Service Provider undertakes to carry out the training or consulting service again (to which the complaint relates) at its own expense.
  6. The costs of unjustified lodging a complaint are covered by the complainant.